Thursday, May 9, 2013

Generation One-After-That

I've learned that there are some things in life that never change. One of them is Pepsi.  Every generation they try to position themselves as the edgy soft drink, and they always do it by aligning themselves with pop stars that are already household names.

Take this new Beyonce ad.  Yes, I know it's been on for a few weeks; but given how long they'll be playing an ad that expensive, it's still near the beginning of its lifetime.

Really, I don't think the ad works.  And not just because of the blank stare she gives that's supposed to convey surprise at seeing past versions of herself in the mirror.  It's supposed to be some great act of personal courage to embrace these spectres of her past career.  But they don't really seem that far in the past.  Yes, I know, I'm not their target market, and to the people that ad is aimed at - young people who still find Beyonce edgy - something from a couple of years ago seems ancient. 

But in today's post-Madonna pop world, a constantly morphing look is pretty much the minimum for a female pop star.  I mean, they are expected to change their look several times in a concert, never mind a career.  So embracing your look of three wardrobe changes ago doesn't mean much.  Now if Alanis Morrisette had done an ad like this circa 1995, that would have been impressive.

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