Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Future In Beer

You may remember a few years ago, there was this curiosity story that news outlets used to fill extra minutes or column inches.  The story was that a brewery was marketing a beer for gay people.  But to me, this wasn't some light time-waster story; it was the most horrifying thing I'd ever seen.  That's because I'd already seen Saturday Night Live do a spoof ad for Gay Beer years earlier.

But then, life-imitating-art repeats itself.  (Did that sentence make any sense?)  You may have heard this joke:
The story goes that there was a meeting of all the big brewers.  Mr. Miller was there and Mr. Bush, Mr. Coors and Mr. Guinness.  They came to a break time and food and drink orders were taken.
Mr. Miller ordered a Miller Lite.
Mr. Busch ordered a Bud.
Mr. Coors ordered a Silver Bullet.
Mr. Guinness ordered an iced tea.
One of his colleagues asked, "Aren't you going to have one of your own products?"
Mr. Guinness replied, "If none of you are drinking beer, neither will I."

And now, what happens?  Coors actually has an Iced Tea!  Real life keeps doing things that people used to think was funny, but only when it relates to beer.

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